Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Got a phonecall from the doctor's office today....

Apparently, no one actually read our ultrasound report before telling us everything was just fine. It seems that everything *is* fine with the baby. She has no abnormalities, she's growing great - we have a healthy little girl right now.

The problem, however, is with her cord. It appears that there are only two vessels in the blood cord - there are supposed to be 3. This would be of huge concern right now if she wasn't growing or if there were any abnormalities. Luckily, there aren't. BUT, leter down the road, as she gets bigger and requires more nutrients, more blood, etc., the fact that there are only two vessels could present a huge problem.

So, we'll be meeting with a perinatologist on Monday, June 5th in the afternoon. He will do another ultrasound, with more detail, and pay more attention to the cord. Then, we'll figure out where to go from there. If she does, indeed, only have two vessels, I'll be having an ultrasound done pretty often - so they can check her measurements and stats and make sure she's still growing on track.

SO not what I needed today. I've been worried about her cord, because of what we went through with Jace (complete knot), and here, I should have been worried for an entirely different reason.

I'll keep you posted and let you know what the perinatologist has to say!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Another appointment update...

I made Gene meet me down at the doctor's office for this appointment - for a couple of reasons. 1. He's back on 12's and we never get to see each other, and 2. We were told we'd be getting the results of our ultrasound.

My biggest concern was talking to the doctor about the blackouts I've been having. I don't compeltely black out, but I do get very dizzy, and lose all control of my body - it lasts about 15 - 20 seconds, but it happens at least once a day, if not more. It can happen while driving, while sitting at the computer - anytime. Very, very scary.

Well, they took my blood pressure today, and it was really low. They've determined that the blackouts are being caused by my fluctuating bloodpressure and the fact that it can go so low. They're thinking that this is caused by dehydration. I now have to drink a minimum of 2 gallons of fluid PER DAY. I am not looking forward to that at ALL.

They also told me that everything on the u/s was completely normal. That's all they told me, so while we were waiting to check out, I peeked at the u/s report. She's measuring a little big, but not too bad. According to the u/s, my due date should be Sept 18th. I'm not sure if they plan to change my due date or not, but that's definitely one thing I'll be asking at my next appointment. 5 days is a HUGE difference when you fight so hard to keep them in like I do.

All in all - we're ok. Next appointment is in 4 weeks, and it's the yummy GD test. Yippee! :) But, don't worry - I'm certain it won't be another 4 weeks before you hear from me. I still have more to buy!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I think I need to block ebay...

I am spending WAY too much time - and far too much cash on ebay right now. You wouldn't believe all the adorable things you can find for a baby girl on there! That, and my dear friend, Natalie (also pregnant with a girl!) keeps sending me links to even more adorable items on the www.

Is there an ebay-addicts anonymous? If not, I think I may need to start one. This is seriously getting out of control!

Want to see some of the cute stuff I've gotten?
Adorable personlized hat for the hospital: (My hopes is this way the nursing staff will call her by NAME rather than "Girl Vinez" - that bugs me more than anything.)

A cute personlized headband: (Got a white bow with pink personalization. I'm obsessed with bows and headbands on baby girls. This will be the first of many purchases... not to mention all the bows I have left from Ashley's baby days!)

Adorable baby blankets:

And, I got this - not on ebay, though - Natalie sent this link to me: Here's the picture of the comfycozy I got (Can't show you the *actual* one I got, because Tinkerbell's full name is embroidered on it!):

SIGH - so, as you can see. I'm truly addicted. And, yes, I have a list of things I *want* to buy, just don't have the money for them right now.

Is it just me, or are there more baby-buying-ebay-shopping-internet-bargain addicts out there? Tell me I'm not alone....

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bought "Baby Tinkerbell's" crib bedding today! Here's a picture (click for larger view):

I got everything you see there, except for the lamp and the scrapbook. (Can't find the scrapbook anywhere - if you find it, let me know! LOL!)

Because this poor baby girl is going to have to sleep in the boys' room (which is BLUE and baseball themed), Gene and I decided that the crib will be *her* little sanctuary. I kept it in the same color scheme as the boys' room, so it won't clash too badly. (The boys room is navy, red and cream - the bedding set is red and cream, so it should fit in nicely.)

Someday, "Tinkerbell" will have her own room. Until then, though - this is just going to have to do! :)

I am really getting excited now. Feels like September is SO far away. Can't wait to meet our baby girl!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The ***BIG*** ultrasound....

Had our big ultrasound today! I was so anxious that I woke up at 6 am and could barely function! I was going stir-crazy waiting for 1:30 to get here, so I took the boys and we left the house before 10! We ventured to the mall, then over to MIL's house so that she could watch them during my appointment.

At the mall, Zander HAD to make the baby a teddy bear at Build-A-Bear. His color choice for the bear? PINK, of course. I just knew he was jinxing us, but I decided to let him make it anyway. (Besides, everyone I know right now that's pregnant is having a girl. I knew the bear would have a good home, even if it wasn't with us!)

When 1:30 finally got here, Gene and I went back with the u/s technician. What a sweet lady she was! She explained absolutely everything she was doing, what we were looking at, everything. It was wonderful!!

Then, we asked to see the "money shot." We were both dying to know what this baby is. She pulled the wand down there, and lo and behold - IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We couldn't believe it! We made her keep going back down there to check, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind. This baby is all girl!

More importantly, the baby is healthy. Four beautiful chambers in her heart, a wonderful, strong heartbeat, measurements right on track. God has truly blessed us!

The u/s tech gave us some beautiful pictures of our sweet baby girl, which I will post below. Everyone is on cloud nine right now.

Things are going to get mighty interesting around here now! :) I can't wait!

Here are the u/s pictures (click to make bigger):