Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The ***BIG*** ultrasound....

Had our big ultrasound today! I was so anxious that I woke up at 6 am and could barely function! I was going stir-crazy waiting for 1:30 to get here, so I took the boys and we left the house before 10! We ventured to the mall, then over to MIL's house so that she could watch them during my appointment.

At the mall, Zander HAD to make the baby a teddy bear at Build-A-Bear. His color choice for the bear? PINK, of course. I just knew he was jinxing us, but I decided to let him make it anyway. (Besides, everyone I know right now that's pregnant is having a girl. I knew the bear would have a good home, even if it wasn't with us!)

When 1:30 finally got here, Gene and I went back with the u/s technician. What a sweet lady she was! She explained absolutely everything she was doing, what we were looking at, everything. It was wonderful!!

Then, we asked to see the "money shot." We were both dying to know what this baby is. She pulled the wand down there, and lo and behold - IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We couldn't believe it! We made her keep going back down there to check, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind. This baby is all girl!

More importantly, the baby is healthy. Four beautiful chambers in her heart, a wonderful, strong heartbeat, measurements right on track. God has truly blessed us!

The u/s tech gave us some beautiful pictures of our sweet baby girl, which I will post below. Everyone is on cloud nine right now.

Things are going to get mighty interesting around here now! :) I can't wait!

Here are the u/s pictures (click to make bigger):


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