Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Got a phonecall from the doctor's office today....

Apparently, no one actually read our ultrasound report before telling us everything was just fine. It seems that everything *is* fine with the baby. She has no abnormalities, she's growing great - we have a healthy little girl right now.

The problem, however, is with her cord. It appears that there are only two vessels in the blood cord - there are supposed to be 3. This would be of huge concern right now if she wasn't growing or if there were any abnormalities. Luckily, there aren't. BUT, leter down the road, as she gets bigger and requires more nutrients, more blood, etc., the fact that there are only two vessels could present a huge problem.

So, we'll be meeting with a perinatologist on Monday, June 5th in the afternoon. He will do another ultrasound, with more detail, and pay more attention to the cord. Then, we'll figure out where to go from there. If she does, indeed, only have two vessels, I'll be having an ultrasound done pretty often - so they can check her measurements and stats and make sure she's still growing on track.

SO not what I needed today. I've been worried about her cord, because of what we went through with Jace (complete knot), and here, I should have been worried for an entirely different reason.

I'll keep you posted and let you know what the perinatologist has to say!


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