Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Another appointment update...

I made Gene meet me down at the doctor's office for this appointment - for a couple of reasons. 1. He's back on 12's and we never get to see each other, and 2. We were told we'd be getting the results of our ultrasound.

My biggest concern was talking to the doctor about the blackouts I've been having. I don't compeltely black out, but I do get very dizzy, and lose all control of my body - it lasts about 15 - 20 seconds, but it happens at least once a day, if not more. It can happen while driving, while sitting at the computer - anytime. Very, very scary.

Well, they took my blood pressure today, and it was really low. They've determined that the blackouts are being caused by my fluctuating bloodpressure and the fact that it can go so low. They're thinking that this is caused by dehydration. I now have to drink a minimum of 2 gallons of fluid PER DAY. I am not looking forward to that at ALL.

They also told me that everything on the u/s was completely normal. That's all they told me, so while we were waiting to check out, I peeked at the u/s report. She's measuring a little big, but not too bad. According to the u/s, my due date should be Sept 18th. I'm not sure if they plan to change my due date or not, but that's definitely one thing I'll be asking at my next appointment. 5 days is a HUGE difference when you fight so hard to keep them in like I do.

All in all - we're ok. Next appointment is in 4 weeks, and it's the yummy GD test. Yippee! :) But, don't worry - I'm certain it won't be another 4 weeks before you hear from me. I still have more to buy!


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