Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Friday, January 27, 2006

The missing bread has been FOUND!!!

Call the National Guard, alert the media, get the word out that I really am an idiot!

So, I'm holding Jace's head in the freezer this afternoon. This poor kid, he and I have spent more time with our heads in the freezer over the past few days than I EVER want to admit. (We are battling a very bad case of croup right now, and the freezer is the only thing that works for him.) Anyway, I happen to glance up, and right on the top of the refrigerator is a half a loaf of bread. Exactly where it's supposed to be, and exactly where it has NOT been the past few days.

Gene was playing on the floor with Zander, so I asked him if he put it up there. He SWEARS that he didn't, but I don't believe him. I could NOT have missed something THAT obvious, could I?! Ok, well, maybe I could.

I swear that I looked on top of the fridge several times, because that's where I keep it. (We have no cupboard space or counter space for food, so it gets piled on top of the fridge. Only I must not have looked very well, because there it was..... plain as day.

Gene is having WAY too much fun making fun of me over all this. I seriously think HE is the one who hid the bread in the first place!

Oh, well, it's been found and properly thrown away. If it did decide to run away for the past few days, I don't want to know where it's been. We're better off buying a new loaf!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Appointment Update 1/26/05

Today's appointment was pretty boring. It was basically a "we want to confirm that you're really pregnant" sort of appointment. They did another pregnancy test (came back positive - WOW! LOL!), then she did another internal exam (which I have no idea why, since I JUST had one 2 weeks ago, but whatever!), and we went over my past pregnancies, and talked about the hospital that I'll deliver at. Pretty boring, I told you! She did comment that there is definitely something in my uterus, and everything looks great. Yippeee!

I go back on Valentine's Day for my blood work and more boring stuff. Once I reach 12 weeks, then the appointments will get better, because I'll be able to hear the sweet little heartbeat!

That's the update for today!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The case of the missing bread....

As I posted below, the morning sickness has been a killer around here. There are certain things I can and cannot eat. For example, I CAN eat saltine crackers or Cheez-its. Both are just fine. I canNOT eat peanut butter, or, as I discovered this morning, toast.

We had half a loaf of bread left when I went to make the toast this morning. Immediately after eating the toast, I lost it all. Fabulous. But, here's the kicker: I REALLY lost the bread! I went to make the boys a sandwich this afternoon and the loaf of white bread I had used this morning was nowhere to be found. I have searched the entire house, top to bottom, and Gene has looked as well. I've checked trash cans, cupboards, refrigerators, even the dishwasher. I have NO idea what I did with the bread. But, no fear - my boys did get to eat lunch this afternoon, and now all is well, it just wasn't made with the loaf of bread we had in the house this morning!

If this is the sign of things to come, STAY TUNED, because this could be one interesting pregnancy!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Set up my first appointment....

I've switched to a new OB/GYN this time and when I informed them of the positive pregnancy test, (after THEY told me I wasn't pregnant!!), my first appointment is set for Thursday, January 26th. I'm sure it won't be an exciting visit - just draw some blood work, ask lots of questions, etc., because the baby is still so tiny, but I am excited to go and get started in this adventure!

The morning sickness is kicking my tail. I have to have something in my stomach at all times, or I feel so sick. And brushing my teeth is nearly impossible without gagging. Ah, the joys! :) But, I wouldn't trade them for the world. As long as this baby arrives healthy, I'll take whatever comes along.

The kids know. Ashley has already started praying that it will be a baby girl, Zander is convinced that there could be up to 5 baby girls in my belly, and Jace just walks around the house saying, "Baby dirlll." So sweet. And, as you can tell, we're all keeping our fingers crossed for a baby girl, but we're just excited God is blessing us again.

I'll keep you posted how the appointment goes!

Time to start a pregnancy blog!

I'm still in shock, but on Monday, January 16th, I got THIS:

Gene and I are both excited, and because this will be my last pregnancy, I wanted to document everything. I already know I'm going to miss the kicks, hiccups and squiggles inside me.

So, sit back and enjoy the ride with us. The baby is due around September 23rd and you will be able to get all the updates, pictures, and information you can right here in the blog.