Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Appointment Update 1/26/05

Today's appointment was pretty boring. It was basically a "we want to confirm that you're really pregnant" sort of appointment. They did another pregnancy test (came back positive - WOW! LOL!), then she did another internal exam (which I have no idea why, since I JUST had one 2 weeks ago, but whatever!), and we went over my past pregnancies, and talked about the hospital that I'll deliver at. Pretty boring, I told you! She did comment that there is definitely something in my uterus, and everything looks great. Yippeee!

I go back on Valentine's Day for my blood work and more boring stuff. Once I reach 12 weeks, then the appointments will get better, because I'll be able to hear the sweet little heartbeat!

That's the update for today!


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