Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Set up my first appointment....

I've switched to a new OB/GYN this time and when I informed them of the positive pregnancy test, (after THEY told me I wasn't pregnant!!), my first appointment is set for Thursday, January 26th. I'm sure it won't be an exciting visit - just draw some blood work, ask lots of questions, etc., because the baby is still so tiny, but I am excited to go and get started in this adventure!

The morning sickness is kicking my tail. I have to have something in my stomach at all times, or I feel so sick. And brushing my teeth is nearly impossible without gagging. Ah, the joys! :) But, I wouldn't trade them for the world. As long as this baby arrives healthy, I'll take whatever comes along.

The kids know. Ashley has already started praying that it will be a baby girl, Zander is convinced that there could be up to 5 baby girls in my belly, and Jace just walks around the house saying, "Baby dirlll." So sweet. And, as you can tell, we're all keeping our fingers crossed for a baby girl, but we're just excited God is blessing us again.

I'll keep you posted how the appointment goes!


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