Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The case of the missing bread....

As I posted below, the morning sickness has been a killer around here. There are certain things I can and cannot eat. For example, I CAN eat saltine crackers or Cheez-its. Both are just fine. I canNOT eat peanut butter, or, as I discovered this morning, toast.

We had half a loaf of bread left when I went to make the toast this morning. Immediately after eating the toast, I lost it all. Fabulous. But, here's the kicker: I REALLY lost the bread! I went to make the boys a sandwich this afternoon and the loaf of white bread I had used this morning was nowhere to be found. I have searched the entire house, top to bottom, and Gene has looked as well. I've checked trash cans, cupboards, refrigerators, even the dishwasher. I have NO idea what I did with the bread. But, no fear - my boys did get to eat lunch this afternoon, and now all is well, it just wasn't made with the loaf of bread we had in the house this morning!

If this is the sign of things to come, STAY TUNED, because this could be one interesting pregnancy!


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