Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Oh my gosh! Where has the time gone?!

I have SO much to update on!!!! Things have just been utter chaos around here with Zander's birthday, followed by Ashley's birthday and now we're getting ready for Jace's birthday! I need a break!

Ok, let's see..... where should I start? Oh! How about the July 31st ultrasound with the perinatologist? Well, I am THRILLED to report that it went really, really well! They checked the baby out completely (still a girl!), and she's growing just fine. At that u/s, she was about 4 pounds 11 ounces, which puts her in the 61st percentile for weight. Wonderful news, considering 2 vessel cord babies are normally smaller. It doesn't appear that there's any threat of Downs Syndrome or other abnormalities. Her kidneys, lungs and other organs all look perfect. They checked the amniotic fluid and she has plenty of it left. And, the blood was flowing nicely through her cord, so it's not looking like there's a knot. (Jace had a true knot, and I have 2 friends that lost babies this summer because they had true knots in their cords. I'm a little paranoid.) The perinatologist gave Tink a clean bill of health and told me I don't need to come back to him! I can finish out the fetal monitoring and future ultrasounds at my regular OB's office. We couldn't be happier!

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and started the fetal monitoring. I got there and they did the normal BP check, urine check, weight check... fun stuff. Then, they hooked me up to the monitors. The nurse came back after about half an hour and asked if I was feeling the contractions. I told her I was, and she asked if the baby was moving much. I told her no, because the baby doesn't like it when I contract. So, the nurse pulls out this thing and sends a shock through my belly. I screamed (LOL!) because I totally wasn't expecting that, but Tink started moving - for a second. She told me she'd be back, and I waited for another half an hour. Then the doctor came in and asked about the contractions again. He couldn't get over the fact of how fast they were coming and how strong they were. He shocked the baby again, and stood there and watched the monitors for about 10 minutes. He left the room and came back 20 minutes later with the Fetal Fibronectin test. (The test to determine if you're actually in pre-term labor - had it with both Z & Jace and it was negative both times.) He did the test and decided I needed to head to the hospital immediately for closer monitoring.

I made my appointment for next week, and called Gene while walking out of the doctor's office. I wanted him to come to the hospital with me, but I had the carseats and he had the kids. We called everyone we knew, trying to find someone to watch the kids so he could come. He ended up getting to the hospital almost an hour and 15 minutes after I did! GRRR.

They gave me a shot of Brethine to stop the contractions, and had me give a "clean-catch" urine sample. The brethine didn't stop the contractions, but it did really slow them down. So, the doctor came in after quite a bit of monitoring and told me I was free to go.

I really didn't want to start this already. In fact, I even told the doctor that if I wasn't contracting, I'd be worried something was wrong! But, they have to do what they have to do, so I had to go in. I'm just praying this doesn't turn into a weekly thing. I'll be hooked up to the monitors every week, and I already know I'm going to contract. I did it with Zander AND Jace. It's just what my body does.

But, overall, I feel good, and I don't have much longer to go. Scary thought, though, because I don't have half the stuff we need for this baby! Anyone seen that darn money tree I thought I planted?

My next appointment is August 15th. I promise to do better about updating then!


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