Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Stomach flu + pregnancy = LOTS of fun!


This past weekend was pure craziness! I'm still trying to recover from it. First, it was Z's birthday on Saturday. It's SO hard to believe that he's 3 now! He's such a big boy, too! We decided that once he turned 3, there would be no more pacis and no more diapers. He's done great without either, and I am SO proud of him!

On Sunday morning, I woke up feeling just fine. I got ready for church, and sat on the floor to help Z go potty. No sooner had I sat down, then I REALLY didn't feel good! Spent the rest of the day with my head in the toilet - or the sink - whichever I got to first. All day long, I couldn't hold anything down. No water, no soda, no crackers. Absolutely nothing. By the end of the evening, I was contracting pretty heavily - probably from being dehydrated. I went to bed early, and around 2am, I woke up and it was like someone had flipped the switch! I felt totally fine again. Weird.

The next morning, I got out of bed, and there was this crazy rash all down my legs. I called the doctor and they had me schedule an appointment for Tuesday morning.

There was absolutely no reason for me to take a trip to the doctor's office. After waiting almost an hour to see the doctor, she measured my uterus, listened to the heartbeat and said, "Ok. We'll see you in two weeks. Go ahead and cancel the appointment you have set up for next week." Grrrrrr. Why the heck did I even show up? Now my weekly/bi-weekly appointments are going to be screwed up, and I'll be visiting the doctor just a few days before I go back to the perinatologist. Go figure.

But, at least Tink seems to still be doing well. All the contractions make me nervous, but they aren't as bad as they were with Jace or Zander. Thank heavens. By this time, with both of those pregnancies, I'd already had a round of Mag-Sulfate. I'd love to avoid that this time!

My next appointment is the 25th, and then I visit the perinatologist for another u/s on July 31st. At least it seems to be getting here quickly.

I'll keep ya posted!


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