Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Monday's Perinatologist Appointment Update...

The appointment went well. The perinatologist was SUPER nice. They spent over an hour measuring the baby, checking her heart, her lungs, her kidneys, her brain.... everything. They did turn on the color display for the cord several times, but they didn't really focus on the cord as much as I had hoped. She does have 2 vessels, not three. However, she is still measuring ahead... she's now measuring 25 weeks 6 days - which is fabulous! She's almost 2 pounds now, too. So, if anything were to happen, the odds of her survival are tremendous. They wanted a good look at her face, but my stubborn girl would NOT flip over for anything. I think I should have had that Snickers bar before the appointment!

The doctor is a bit concerned about Downs, but not much. He said it's one of those "it could happen, it could NOT happen" sort of things. But, isn't that true with any pregnancy? There are also concerns for other chromosomal abnormalities, but, again, it's one of those "it could happen with any pregnancy" sort of things.

I am doing better now. I got to see her again - we confirmed that she is, indeed, still very much a girl, and she's still doing really, really well at this point. I will probably worry until the next ultrasound, though, just because it's typically after 25 weeks that they stop growing (if they're going to). BUT, I'm trying not to dwell on that. This isn't in my hands, and I have to trust that we'll get through this and she'll be just fine.

After the appointment, they let us tour the maternity ward. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! I wish I had delivered ALL my babies here! It is amazing! You start in a private labor/delivery room. The room is gargantuous. Big screen tv in the room, a couch that pulls out for Gene to sleep on.... absolutely amazing. After you have the baby, you move to a private recovery room where you stay until discharged. These rooms aren't quite as big, but they're still about twice the size of the last hospital room we stayed in. Comfy beds, HUGE shower, just a beautiful room altogether. They have two nurseries - a NICU and the regular nursery, and we got to tour them both. And, we met little Anna who was only about an hour old. Just gorgeous. So, now I'm really excited and can't wait for September to get here.

There's the official update. Good news thus far. We go back on July 31st for another u/s to verify that she's still growing ok, and see if any abnormalities have developed. Then, we go from there!

I'll keep you posted.


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