Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Another routine office visit today....

Nothing really exciting. I finally got to meet one of the doctors in the practice I'm going to - there are 6 doctors, yet I've only ever seen the Nurse Practicioners.

The appt was really quick - all the fun vitals, weight check ( up almost 8 pounds since last time - YIKES!), tummy measurement, and a quick listen of the heartbeat (which was MUCH easier to find this time around).

The doctor was really nice - said the weight gain was due to the fact that my uterus has "popped." I'm already measuring big. Great... another little baby for me! HA!!!

We chatted for a few minutes, he made sure I had my u/s appointment set up, and that was it. Next regular visit is in 4 weeks.

I like boring appointments. I can handle boring appointments. Let's just keep this going the way today's appointment did!

By the way - the countdown is ON! 2 weeks until we find out what this baby is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll keep ya posted!


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