Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Friday, February 03, 2006

This morning sickness stuff is getting OLD.

I am so tired of spending morning after morning with my head in the comode. Once I dry heave for a few hours, I'm fine - until mid afternoon when round two hits, and then again in the evening when I go for round 3.

Sea bands don't help, lemonade doesn't help, crackers don't help. Nothing I have tried even remotely helps. I have no desire to eat, but I'm hungry all the time.

The kids are all sick, and I've got pink eye in both eyes to top everything off.

Whine, whine, whine.

Sorry - it's been one of those weeks around here!


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Mazenbloo said...

Have you tried the 1/2 unisom + Vitamin B6 combo? I had awful nausea for about 24 weeks of my pregnancy last go round. *UGH*. I can totally sympathize with you! It was the only thing that helped. No crackers, ginger anything, seabands etc. My midwife told me 1/2 regular unisom and 50 MG of B6 and it worked WONDERS for me. Good Luck and I hope you and your family are feeing better soon!


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