Angie's Pregnancy Blog

Our sweet baby has arrived!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Doctor's appointment today.....

And what a day it has been!

I got up early, thinking that my appointment was at 10 or 10:20am. We left the house at 9:00 and I drove the boys down to my mother-in-laws so she could watch them. After I dropped them off, I started worrying that I was going to be late for my appointment, so I wanted to call and give them a heads up. I pulled out my appointment card and lo and behold, it clearly says that my appointment is at 1:20 PM - NOT 10:20am. Fabulous!

So, I turned around and headed back to MIL's house. Picked them all up and we decided to do some shopping before my appointment. MIL is in the process of redesigning her bathroom, and I've been put in charge of helping her get everything she needs.

Side note: for those that don't know already, my MIL is blind. She absolutely cannot see a thing. Keep this in mind as you continue to read the remainder of the story.

We head to Home Depot first. Get some tile for the wall, vinyl flooring for the floor, and all new knobs for the cupboards and drawers. No biggie... It's fairly easy to have MIL hold onto the back of the cart, put Jace in the seat and Zander in the back of the cart, and I lead by pulling the front of the cart.

Then, we head for lunch. Steak and Shake it is. Now, Gene and I have a hard enough time handling both boys in a restraunt ourselves. Now, it's just me and a blind woman trying to shovel food into two little mouths AND find a way to eat our own meals. SIGH. Not easy to accomplish at all. Jace does pretty well by himself, and Zander refuses anything but his drink. Ok, fine. Time for the doctor's appointment.

I get to the office, and thank heavens, they have this HUGE play area for the boys to play in. MIL plays guard at the door to the playroom, and soon after we sit down, I hear my name.

I had to meet with the billing lady first. I was going to find out exactly what our insurance would and would not cover. We've always had really sucky insurance in the past, so I expected this time to be no different. Was I ever surprised when she told me that our insurance will cover 100%! No co-pays, no out-of-pocket expense. NOT ONE PENNY. I could have died! This could not be more of a sign that this baby is timed exactly right. Anyway, we will have to pay a $250 deductible for our ultrasound. $250 to have a baby. Are you kidding me? We still owe the last hospital almost $1,000 from Zander and Jace's births! So, fabulous news there!

Then, I got back to get weighed, give my urine sample and get my blood pressure. All of which look fabulous - according to the Nurse Practicioner I saw today. I spent the next 45 minutes talking to the NP. We discussed my previous pregnancies, deliveries, post-partum, everything. She was SO nice and she wrote down everything. LOL! Talk about a book!

We've decided not to do any of the optional tests - no cystic fibrosis test, no down syndrome tests. Gene and I have talked about it, and we'd never do anything to terminate the pregnancy, so why bog down the pregnancy with worry? We know that God is in control and we will handle whatever he decides to send our way.

My next appt is in 2 weeks. It should have been 4, but the NP knew how badly I want to hear the heartbeat, so she scheduled it for 2 weeks from now. I can't wait to hear that sweet sound. It'll finally make all this m/s worth it all.

After the appt, MIL, the boys and I headed to the mall. The mall is NOT fun with this group. I'm sorry, but it is physically exhausting. I had Zander and Jace in the double stroller, and I tried to stand beside MIL and push the stroller "with" her. Needless to say, we didn't spend as long in the mall as MIL would have liked. I just couldn't do it!

So, we headed back to her house, and Gene and Ash met us down there for dinner. Now, we're home, the kids are in bed, and all is quiet in my house. Gene just left for work, so I think I'll put on my pjs and curl up in bed with today's episode of General Hospital. Thank heavens for Soap Net! :)

Thanks for reading my novel. More updates as they happen!

Friday, February 03, 2006

This morning sickness stuff is getting OLD.

I am so tired of spending morning after morning with my head in the comode. Once I dry heave for a few hours, I'm fine - until mid afternoon when round two hits, and then again in the evening when I go for round 3.

Sea bands don't help, lemonade doesn't help, crackers don't help. Nothing I have tried even remotely helps. I have no desire to eat, but I'm hungry all the time.

The kids are all sick, and I've got pink eye in both eyes to top everything off.

Whine, whine, whine.

Sorry - it's been one of those weeks around here!